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Ателье по ремонту легкой одежды в районе площади лепсе (пуговка на джинсах выпала)
Елена СергеевнаОператор справочной
Для ремонта пуговки на джинсах в районе площади Лепсе можно посетить ателье по ремонту легкой одежды. Такие ателье часто предоставляют услуги по ремонту дефицитов, в том числе и пуговки.
Characteristics to consider when choosing an atelier for jeans repair:
1. Skills and experience: Look for an atelier with experienced tailors who specialize in jeans repair. A good tailor should be able to match the thread and stitching to make the repair as invisible as possible.
2. Convenience: Consider the location, hours of operation, and availability of the atelier. Some may offer pick-up and delivery services for added convenience.
3. Cost: Compare prices across different ateliers to ensure you're getting a fair price for the repair. Keep in mind that the cost may vary depending on the severity of the damage and the type of jeans.
4. Turnaround time: Ask about the turnaround time for repairs. Some ateliers may offer same-day or next-day service.
5. Quality: Inspect the finished product to ensure that the repair is well-done and sustainable. A high-quality repair can extend the life of your jeans and save you money in the long run.
If you're unsure about the quality of a particular atelier, consider asking for references or checking reviews online. You may also want to ask for a quote before having the repair done to ensure that you're comfortable with the cost and turnaround time.
Additionally, here are some tips for preparing your jeans for repair:
1. Wash your jeans before having them repaired. This can help the tailor identify any additional damage that may need to be addressed.
2. Mark the area that needs repair with a safety pin or piece of tape to ensure that the tailor knows exactly where to focus their attention.
3. Consider having multiple repairs done at the same time to save on the overall cost. For example, if you have several small holes or tears, you may be able to get them repaired at a discounted rate if you bring them all in at once. А пока рекомендуем:
Characteristics to consider when choosing an atelier for jeans repair:
1. Skills and experience: Look for an atelier with experienced tailors who specialize in jeans repair. A good tailor should be able to match the thread and stitching to make the repair as invisible as possible.
2. Convenience: Consider the location, hours of operation, and availability of the atelier. Some may offer pick-up and delivery services for added convenience.
3. Cost: Compare prices across different ateliers to ensure you're getting a fair price for the repair. Keep in mind that the cost may vary depending on the severity of the damage and the type of jeans.
4. Turnaround time: Ask about the turnaround time for repairs. Some ateliers may offer same-day or next-day service.
5. Quality: Inspect the finished product to ensure that the repair is well-done and sustainable. A high-quality repair can extend the life of your jeans and save you money in the long run.
If you're unsure about the quality of a particular atelier, consider asking for references or checking reviews online. You may also want to ask for a quote before having the repair done to ensure that you're comfortable with the cost and turnaround time.
Additionally, here are some tips for preparing your jeans for repair:
1. Wash your jeans before having them repaired. This can help the tailor identify any additional damage that may need to be addressed.
2. Mark the area that needs repair with a safety pin or piece of tape to ensure that the tailor knows exactly where to focus their attention.
3. Consider having multiple repairs done at the same time to save on the overall cost. For example, if you have several small holes or tears, you may be able to get them repaired at a discounted rate if you bring them all in at once. А пока рекомендуем:
Елена СергеевнаОператор справочной
ТАНИТА АТЕЛЬЕ Кировская обл., Киров, 610020, Энергетиков, 19
Тел.: 36-20-99
E-Mail: tanita-kirov@mail.ru
Тел.: 36-20-99
E-Mail: tanita-kirov@mail.ru
КАМЕЛИЯ АТЕЛЬЕ Киров, Лепсе, 41
Тел.: 53-36-82
Тел.: 53-36-82
Фирменный Стиль
Фирменный Стиль, ателье
город Киров, Октябрьский проспект, 24
Режим работы: Пн 09:00-12:00, Вт 09:00-12:00, Ср 09:00-12:00, Чт 09:00-12:00, Пт 09:00-12:00
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Елена СергеевнаОператор справочной
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